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Are all the beautiful women on your website models?


No! All of the women on my website are regular women. Women with spouses, children, jobs in varying industries, lives and just like YOU! No really. I'm telling you. None of these women do modeling as a profession. If you scroll through the pictures you may even see someone you know!

So how does that work?

Every client is given the option to choose a full, partial or no release. There is no pressure to choose any particular one and no discounts or freebies are give to those who choose the full release. It is all based on YOUR comfort. If you do not want your images released for others to see, you will NEVER find them floating around the internet.

What if I sign the release and later change my mind?

You are welcome to change your mind at any time. The only requirement is that you submit your request in writing and give me 48 hours to remove all of your images from various places they may be on the internet. You won't be charged extra and I won't ask you questions. I respect that many people go through many changes in their lives that may require you to not be as visible online or any other reason and therefore will honor your request in a timely manner.

What is the difference between a full and partial release?

A full release is exactly that, you agree to let me use any images I feel meet my needs for print, internet and product pieces. This release does mean that your face will be visible and you will most likely see at least one of your images on social media.

A partial release allows me to use images that do not show your face or reveal your identity. This might be accomplished with creative cropping or might be images that were shot that way. You will most likely see your booty, legs and chest regions featured on the website or on social media.

No matter what you decide for your model release, it's included in your session contract, your images are of the upmost importance and we guarantee to treat you with the same exuberance as all of our other clients. Your privacy, comfort and satisfaction are what matter the most to us! We know you could go elsewhere, but we hope that the experience we offer is above and beyond the standard. Have questions? Feel free to message us!

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