Not all photographers are the same, care to learn how I'm different from all the other boudoir photographers you may find. Images on this blog are of the lovely Miss M. *Trigger warning, point 3 speaks on SA*

1. I have been both a professional and freelance PAID model! I've been a part of the photography and modeling community since I was 4 years old when I became a contracted catalog model. (Hello my fellow Millennials haha.) I worked as such for nearly a decade and returned to modeling at age 19. I started freelance modeling all over the US at that point and was paid to do such. I have seen the good and the bad of being in front of a camera countless times, I've developed friendships with photographers and worked with SO many different types of people. While many boudoir photographers will aim to get in front of the camera regularly, not all have been paid to do so. Having such experiences means that I understand posing and lighting from SO many different perspectives- the greater your knowledge the more variety you can offer!
2. 90% of the women on my website are NOT models!
Most of the women you see in my portfolio are everyday women! Some have never had their portraits taken by themselves, most believe they aren't sexy or photogenic. So many of them have come into their session believing they won't love any of their images because they cannot even imagine themselves as beautiful. Something I find truly unique is just the number of them who end up wanting to share their images once they see their pictures- it's in the area of 95% of my clients who sign a model release (which allows me to share their images in my portfolio.) Because of this, I don't hire models. There are a few women I've asked to model for me, but they are rare and few between. I love knowing that when you take a peek at my work, you might see your friends, coworkers and family, because if they can do it- so can you!
**Trigger warning* Next section references sexual assault.**
3. I am a survivor of multiple sexual assaults.
Now, why do I bring this up? I have been through situations where my body and space were not protected, as both a human and as a model. Something that I am very aware of is people entering my space and making physical contact with me. Since physical contact can bring me to panic and with the actual premise of boudoir photography being so vulnerable, to begin with, I make it a habit to be a "hands-off" photographer. I prefer to show you the pose, talk you through it, and only make contact with YOUR PERMISSION! I also will tell you as I'm photographing you when I will be invading your bubble so there are no surprises. I have worked with multiple women who have also opened up about such things and I feel that being able to guide you through those emotions and allow you to keep your space to yourself is valuable. While you might prefer me to just put your hand or leg where I want it- I respect your temple and will always ask first.
I may not be the perfect photographer for you- BUT I work very hard to bring my life experiences to the studio in a way that helps YOU have a wonderful experience. I try to be open about ME to make our time and shared space a SAFE one for YOU! I'm an open book and while not every part of my life has been rainbows and sunshine - I believe that being myself will help you feel confident in being yourself!
