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Brand Ambassador Program 2023
What is a Brand Ambassador?
She’s YOU! She’s the women around you everyday. She's a wife, mother, your neighbor and your friend. I’m looking for REAL women who are genuine, positive and active in their communities (both online and where you live!). A Brand Ambassador is fun, confident when speaking and loves the message Centerfold Boudoir stands for. She is not afraid of talking about body positivity and self worth. She is open about talking about the boudoir experience and how it impacted her own life and self image. She is comfortable doing several boudoir sessions a year AND is down for having her images shared online and with other potential Centerfolds! Is this you?
First and foremost, APPLY! In order to be accepted you MUST be willing to book a Signature Session (at a discount of course). The reason this is so important is that you need to be able to come from a position of real life experience when talking to others about your session(s).
Be active in the FB group and on the page.
Attend at least two of the group events throughout your term.
Promote body positivity & self love.
Regularly share posts from the Centerfold Boudoir FB page and your own images in the private Facebook group.
Attend at least TWO of the ambassador only shoots. Note that these shoots come with a nominal fee for participation, usually $100 or less.
Invite others to participate in the group and refer potential clients in your daily lives.
Share your images on your personal profiles on social media. (Note: You are allowed to create a separate IG page just for these images if that makes you more comfortable- Make sure you keep myself and Cali updated on which handles to tag.)
Here’s what is included if you become a Centerfold!
TWO Signature Sessions, one at the beginning of the term and another at the end! (valued at $800)
All edited digital images from your 1st session (estimated $5000 value)
Discounted and No Cost Styled sessions throughout your term (comes with 10+ digital images per shoot, valued at $350/shoot)
Centerfold gear to wear and carry with you! P.S. T-shirts are available in sizes XS-3X and you can order additional ones too at a wholesale discount!
Referral bonuses! Receive a $50 Visa gift card or $100 credit for your session at the end of your term, for every client that completes a session because of you!
A personal gallery on the website that you can share with your friends, family or anyone who may be interested in booking! This gallery will be password protected and updated with your images regularly.
Terms will be for 6 months- you may be accepted and placed on a waitlist for the next 6 month term.
Brand Ambassadors will not have previously been a part of the Brand Ambassador programs for Centerfold Boudoir.
You will be expected to act according to our company standards online - bullying, threatening and anything seen as less than empowering or encouraging of others will be reason for immediate expulsion.
You will be added to the Ambassadors Only group on FB and conversations held there are expected to stay there.
You will need to sign a non-compete clause in your contract that will not allow you to model for any other photographers for the duration of your term. (Family portraits with other photographers is allowed, but boudoir is strictly off limits.)
If you break any of the rules and are expelled- you will be expected to pay the full cost of ALL session(s) and images you have received as a Brand Ambassador.
Yes, there is an administrative fee of $250 to cover your first session of the year, your Centerfold gear and to process your contract and personal gallery on the website.